About Us

Hi, I'm Delray. Creative and dreamer behind WhiskeyRose. With the help of my husband Trevor we have been running our business since 2018.
I am a full time preschool educator and help run a forest and nature program. This field was never my original path but I fell into it and fell in love with helpingchildren grow and explore and learn and giving them the opportunities to be themselves.
I love play. Indoor play, outdoor play, risky play, quiet play, all of it.
Here's the thing, when you see a child building a tower and knocking it down, that's all some see. But I see a child learning as they play. I see them strengthening their fine motor skills as they carefully set the blocks on each other. I see them get frustrated as it falls too soon, but they persevere to try again. I see the creativity and pride in their eyes as they finish their creation that was once just an idea.
All of our toys that we create have play and creativity in mind. And with a little nature element as well, fun colours while letting the beauty of the wood shine through. All of our items are meant be to open ended. While you may see a mushroom your child may see a cupcake or a chair. Our items will grow with your child as their play and learning and imagination grows as well. We want our items to be able to have multiple uses in your home. Use them in kitchen centers, sensory bins, pretend play or even as learning resources.
Let your child show you their creativity and how they see things and I'm sure they will surprise you.
xo Delray